Normal distribution is symmetric, bell shaped with mean = median = mode.
% of observations within ±1 σ is 66%; ±2σ is 95%; ±3 σ is 99%
Where: σ - standard deviation
Non-symmetrical distribution
The distribution is asymmetry where the data points are skewed either to the left or to the right.
Important for finance and investing as most stock prices and asset returns are either positive or negative skewed rather than following normal distribution where skewness is zero.
The measure is free of units but preserves the sign of the deviation of the observation from the mean.
Absolute skewness
Absolute skewness equal to the sum of cubed deviations from mean:
1/n [Σfi(Xi - Xmean)2]
Relative skewness (SK)
Sk= Skewness / Standard deviation3
Sk = (1/n) (ΣXi-Xmean)3 / s3
If SK =0, not skewed;
If SK▷0,+ve skewed;
If SK◁0,-ve skwed
▷ - grearer than
◁ - smaller than
Positive skewness
· Many outliers in the upper region
· Right tail is long relative to left tail
· Mean ▷ median ▷mode;
Negative skewness
· Many outliers in lower region
· Left tail is long relative to right tail
· Mean ◁ median ◁ mode
Kurtosis is a measure of whether the data are peaked or flat relative to a normal distribution. Kurtosis is the likelihood that an event occurring is extreme in relation to a given distribution and critical in risk management.
The measure is free of units but is always positive regardless of sign of the deviation of the observation from the mean.
More peaked than normal distribution (fat tails) and larger probability of having large positive and negative deviations from the mean. Its true risk is higher than the risk suggested in normal distribtution.
Excess kurtosis▷0
Less peaked than normal distribution. Data sets with low kurtosis tend to have a flat top near the mean rather than a sharp peak.
Excess kurtosis◁0
Excess Kurtosis = Kurtosis - 3;
kurtosis = (1/n) (ΣXi-Xmean)4 / s4
· Kurtosis of normal distribution is 3 and excess kurtosis is 0.
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