To pass the exams, a good study plan is extremely important otherwise you may find the time is running out but you still have many topics to read. Below is the sharing of my study plan and hope it can help you work out your own plan.
- 6 months before the examination date, I started reading the study books that I borrowed from one of my friend and prepared the notes myself at the same time. In this first reading, my main purpose was to understand the concepts and the implications of formula, but NOT aim to memorize the contents. Digest but not memorize the contents in the first ready!
- 3 months before the examination, I mainly reviewed my self-made summary notes over and over again, and crosschecked with the study books only when necessary. Understand and memorize the key points!
- 1 month before the examination, I did the sample and past questions intensively and got myself well prepared. Practice does work!
- 1 week before the examination, I glanced over my summary notes again and focused on the topics that I was weak.
- 1 day before the examination relaxed and took a good sleep.
My tips: